5 crucial factors for a successful manager

Kenneth Smit editorial | 26-04-2019

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Management is a broad and subjective field. It is therefore quite difficult to find out why one manager is more successful than another. In any case, environmental factors play an enormous role in this, such as the industry and the company in which you work, but also the status of the economy. And yet it is possible to formulate a number of characteristic traits and qualities that contribute to the success of a manager and that can often be found in the character and behavior of well-known and/or inspiring leaders. At Kenneth Smit we come into contact with hundreds of managers every year who we like to be inspired by. We have listed 5, in our view, crucial factors for success.

1. Identify qualities

We start with a manager we all know, Bil Gates. One of his most important quotes is: 'The art of management is to promote people without making them managers'. In short, let people with the right quality grow in their profession and specialty. One of the most important qualities of a manager is that he or she must be able to identify qualities within the team. However, you can't just do that. It takes time and effort. You must take the time to talk to your people, monitor the team and be active on the work floor. Managers who do not isolate themselves in a separate office, but simply sit on the work floor, are often successful, not entirely coincidentally.

2. Collect great players around you

Self-knowledge is an important weapon for managers, as we have noted several times in our previous blogs and whitepapers. It requires a vulnerable attitude from you as a leader, which is not always easy. It is sometimes said that a manager is only truly successful if he or she can make himself or herself miserable. That is partly true. Successful managers often have a team of people around them who are better in certain areas than they are themselves. By working with people who have more specialist knowledge or experience than you as a manager, the quality increases and you are also optimally challenged as a manager.

3. Treat each team member individually

There is no 'I' in team, but there is in win, Michael Jordan once said. No way to get in between. A manager and his team can only be successful if the individuals work together and everyone's personal talent is put to good use. That is why at Kenneth Smit we also focus on individual training, instead of generic training that is the same for the entire team. Every individual deserves a different approach that can optimally develop their talent. In other words, in order for your team to perform well, you must make optimal space for personal, individual development.

Give yourself time

We live in a period when everything is moving faster than fast. Technological developments, economic cycles, it all happens faster than the speed of light. Nowadays our drive for performance is often very focused on the short term. And that is not always a positive development. More than any other profession, the profession of manager is an experience profession. By experiencing various situations in practice, you build up experience and learn what it is to be a stable, successful and inspiring manager. So don't let yourself be forced into using short-term goals that require you to force yourself and your team to achieve them.

Stand behind your team

What do your employees expect from you as a manager? That you have an answer for everything? That you always know the most and can respond best to situations? That you can make decisions without emotion? No of course not. An employee can expect his or her manager to represent and defend the interests of the team. That the manager stands behind the team, even when political games are being played. That the manager serves as a lightning rod so that the team can function smoothly in the background. In short, one of your main roles is to represent the interests of your team within the organization. Stand behind your people and show them that. You are not there to please the management, but to ensure the optimal functioning of your team.

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