6 conditions for a successful sales process

Kenneth Smit editorial | 07-02-2020

There are 1.001 reasons for the success or failure of a deal with your dream client. Some reasons are difficult to name. For example, does it click or not with the contact persons on the other side of the (negotiation) table? There are also sometimes factors that you have little influence on, such as changes in your customer's team or economic developments.

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There are 1.001 reasons for the success or failure of a deal with your dream client. Some reasons are difficult to name. For example, does it click or not with the contact persons on the other side of the (negotiation) table? There are also sometimes factors that you have little influence on, such as changes in your customer's team or economic developments. Yet as a seller you have enormous influence on the success of the sales process. We have listed 6 simple but crucial factors that can help you enormously in increasing your chances of success. 


Some deals are closed within a few weeks, some deals can take months. Patience, especially in sales, is a virtue. As a seller you need an elephant skin. You have to be able to take things in stride, be able to withstand disappointments and, above all, have perseverance. Sometimes you will win, sometimes you won't, but it should never be because of your efforts.

Come to the table

As mentioned, you cannot acquire customers via email. Being able to explain your story, with passion and enthusiasm, is decisive. Moreover, a face-to-face conversation also allows you to observe the (non-verbal) reactions of the contacts on the other side of the table. Body language, reactions and expressions say more than 1.000 words. So make sure you come to the table and get the opportunity to explain your quote/proposal. Never participate in situations where you have to make a proposal by email without being given the opportunity to explain that proposal in a conversation.

Pick up the phone

You can't get that dream customer via email. Verbal contact, physical but also by telephone, is often of decisive importance in a successful sales process. Oral communication allows you to convey enthusiasm, passion and emotion, which is virtually impossible via email. In short, pick up the phone and call your contact person once every +/- 2 weeks for a short update.

Added value

Can you add value to your (future) customer? If so, then you have a chance of success. Naturally, added value can be created in different ways. The value may lie in the product or service you have to offer. Value can also lie in the way in which you apply your product or service for your customer. And of course, if your added value does not come from the product or service, you can provide added value yourself by impressing your customer as a salesperson. If none of these facets are relevant, ask yourself whether you want to continue the process.

Stakeholder Management

As a seller you can still do your best. You can have the best offer, the best price/quality ratio, the best personal relationship with the contacts. But, in the end, everything is determined by the stakeholders on your customer's side. The choices are usually made by a manager or director. Are you sitting around the table with the right contact person? Do the stakeholders you contact have the mandate to make a choice and spend the budget? Try to find out at an early stage of the process who the DMU (Decision Making Unit) within the process is, and ensure that you build a relationship with them.

The need

In addition to finding the right DMU within the sales process, it is also important to find out how great and acute the need is for your (future) customer. By finding this out at an early stage, you prevent yourself from being strung along and the decision taking months. So ask about needs and deadlines and ask your contact person to outline a timeframe. Often the briefing you receive is already an important sign on the wall. The more concrete and extensive the briefing, the more serious the lead often is. If you are briefed by means of a 5-line email, your alarm bells should go off.

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