7 Manager Traits to Engage Employees

Kenneth Smit editorial | 04-10-2019

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The life of a manager is not always easy. First and foremost, they must have the knowledge or skills that the company can rely on, but they must also ensure that employee involvement remains high. Managers are therefore often expected to set an example and create a committed working environment. To help you get started, we list below a number of qualities that enable a good manager to maintain that involvement in the workplace. 

1 – Independent learning

Managers often want to solve all problems themselves, but employees must also continue to learn. Inherent to the learning process is that mistakes can also be made. A good manager recognizes the moment when he has to help the employee himself or when the employee has to figure things out on their own.

2- Self-awareness

A good manager knows very well what his or her strengths and weaknesses are. That is why they ensure that the people around them work additionally on the points where they still need improvement.

3- Positivity

It will not always be roses and moonshine within a company, but the truth is that negativity will not generate engagement. That is why the manager is expected to focus on the positive points and convert a setback into a new opportunity.

4- Feedback

One of the best ways to create employee engagement is to make them part of the process. Ask them for feedback and opinions. This way they know that their comments or criticism are welcome, so that they can achieve better performance together.

5- Making choices

In line with point 4: a good manager involves his employees in decision-making. We are not only talking about the easy decisions that need to be made, but certainly also about the more complex issues within the company. These managers recognize the moments when an employee has to make a decision himself, which decisions have to be made for the team or when it must result from a collaboration.

6- Stakeholder management

A good manager understands the importance of stakeholder management. Informing and keeping senior management informed about the work and progress being made within the manager's team is an important process. In this way, they ensure that the company's efforts and resources continue to move in the right direction.

7- Delegation

Delegating work is often difficult for managers who prefer to do everything themselves. However, a good manager has sufficient insight into the work that he or she must do himself or delegate to others within the team. These managers feel comfortable when employees acquire new skills in this way.

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