Are you going to look for a new job?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 22-07-2016

Are you happy with the job you have? At Kenneth Smit, developing yourself is central. We want to motivate you to get the most out of yourself and find happiness in your work.

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Are you happy with the job you have? Various studies show that 30-40% of employees are actually not really happy. Due to too high work stress, or too little challenge. When do you make the decision that it is time for something new? At Kenneth Smit, developing yourself is central. We want to motivate you to get the most out of yourself and find happiness in your work. After all, standing still means going backwards.

When is it time for something new?

You may have had the feeling for a long time that your current work is no longer what you had hoped for. And yet it is terribly difficult to recognize that and actively look for something new or perhaps even quit your current job. After all, you are safe in your current job and have a fixed income. But, dissatisfaction in your daily work does not last long. After all, you spend most of your day active at work. Doing something you don't like ruins your happiness in life. But when do you conclude that it is time for something new? Just like when carrying out tasks at work, it is smart to recognize omens. Below are a number of important features that can serve as a wake-up call for your own job satisfaction:

You don't get along with your manager

You and your manager don't click at all. If a transfer is not an option and your manager is not going to leave anytime soon, this can be an important signal to look further.

You don't like to talk (with pride) about your work

Your work should give you energy and make you proud. If you notice that you no longer like to talk about your company and work at parties, dinners and with friends/family, then it is time to look for something else.

You can no longer grow further

Are you reaching the ceiling at your current job? Then the rut can set in, especially if you still have ambitions. Try to create a growth path elsewhere, aided by the experience you have gained.

You're constantly covering yourself

'Just persevere a little longer and it will get better.' "When that new project starts, I have a new challenge." Many people are constantly covering themselves up to prevent the situation from getting better. Try to catch yourself in this kind of behavior and draw your conclusions.

You get physical complaints

Do you suffer from back pain, headaches, neck pain? Are you often tired and finding it increasingly difficult to get up? These can be clear signals that something is not right at work. Listen to your body and don't ignore these signals. Your health is the most valuable asset you have.

Can I get a job?

That is the central question that many people ask themselves. Changing jobs is stressful, especially if you haven't found a new job yet. Can I find a nice new job? The answer is YES, because the labor market looks bright! The CBA announced at the beginning of this year that we are experiencing the strongest job growth in 4 years and that the number of jobs has risen above 10 million for the first time. So plenty of opportunities! Are you going looking? Don't start too quickly and hastily, first make a good career plan. It is tempting to accept that nice job offer that a friend has sent you. Most people hardly make a plan for their future. Privately, but not for work. Where do you want to be in 10 years? What are you good at and what are you not good at? What kind of company (large small, formal informal) do you feel comfortable in? Write all these things down in a plan, or find a coach who can help you with this.

In short, where in recent years you had a legitimate excuse (the crisis) to stay at a job you were not satisfied with, this is no longer the case. The market is developing and there are numerous opportunities for ambitious professionals. Are you thinking about changing your job, but would you like to be more prepared? Then take a look at us coaching offer, or our trainings and push your limits.

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