How can you ensure that a team works better together?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 23-11-2018

In every team you have different personalities. How these team members work together is very important to the team's success. How can you ensure that a team works better together? In this blog we will help you get started with a handy tool.

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In every team you have different personalities. How these team members work together is very important to the team's success. Poor collaboration is not good for the team's performance. Good cooperation, on the other hand, bears fruit. How can you ensure that one team works better together? In this blog we will help you get started with a handy tool.

Gain insight into your personality

Every employee is unique and has his own treasure chest of qualities. One person can think well analytically, write substantive texts and work on projects. Yet another employee is good at convincing, always has his say and is a star at selling. These qualities contribute to your unique personality.

Your personality determines how you react, think and act. For example, how do you respond to an unexpected situation: do you freeze completely or do you immediately take action? And during a first introduction: do you take the lead and are you very present? Or are you relatively quiet and do you wait and see? How you respond is determined by your behavioral preferences. These behavioral preferences ensure, among other things, that you respond in a certain way. Over the years you have developed a preference and the context also plays a major role in this.

What is Insights Discovery

These preferences are shown schematically in a tool: InsightsDiscovery. In the image below you see the Insights Discovery color model.

Insights Discovery color model

The colors refer to behavioral preferences that determine how you react, think and act. Everyone has all the colors within them and the combination of the colors makes us unique as people. This color language is easy to understand and remember. Insights Discovery gives you more insight into yourself. By looking at your preferences, a personal profile is created and you learn where your qualities and development points lie.

Insights Discovery ensures more effective collaboration

And not only about yourself, you also gain more insight into colleagues. You learn to recognize colors in colleagues. Have you always wondered why a colleague always stops talking about a substantively long story? Or why that one colleague needs to be convinced with facts? By working with Insights Discovery you learn to recognize the colors in yourself and your colleagues. There is more effective cooperation, more mutual understanding and better communication. A win-win-win-win situation!

Do you want to get started yourself?

Do you want to know more about InsightsDiscovery? Or do you want to get started with Insights Discovery right away? Then take contact with us!

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