How do you motivate young people in business?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 13-12-2019

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Today's young people are the future of the business community. And because the wishes and motivation of young people in the workplace today are slightly different than those of the generations that preceded them, in this blog we discuss a few tips to motivate the young people in your company.

Appreciation and feedback are great motivators

From research from the recruitment guide from YoungCapital, which conducted research agency Motivaction, has found that young people cite 'lack of appreciation' as the biggest reason for leaving a company. So it is very important to continue discussing employee development and progress. Let the employee know if he or she has done a good job.

But don't hesitate to give constructive criticism. Feedback is very important for young people, but do this in the right way. Therefore, in addition to constructive criticism, always try to say something positive about the work done. Young employees can learn a lot from this, without it taking away their self-confidence.

Treat young people with respect and as equals

What is at least as important as complimenting the work is respecting the young employee. Treat them as equals and use them as such in the workplace.

  • It is important to listen to the ideas that young people have about the company or project. Involve them in decisions where possible, as this will affect their work. This isn't possible? Then explain why certain decisions were made. Make sure that the young employees feel involved and that you respect them enough to listen to them and include their ideas in decisions and projects.
  • It is also good to ask young people what drives them and what gives them satisfaction in a project or position. In other words, help them find their purpose. Bring this up regularly and make them responsible for creating meaning within their own work.
  • Also give your young employees the freedom to make their own time schedule and realize projects in their own way. If you give them space, you bring out the best in them. This is because they have creative and productive ways of doing things according to their own insights working can apply.

Give young employees the opportunity to grow

One of the greatest motivations for young people is opportunity for growth. Not only in the position, also in the company and on a personal level. You can facilitate this, for example, by offering courses and training to your employees. This opportunity for development ensures that your employees are more motivated to work and ultimately have more to offer to the company.

By facilitating growth opportunities, you increase the chance that young people will enjoy your company and therefore want to stay. Make it clear whether there are career opportunities within your company and to what position they could grow. It is very motivating to work towards something.

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