Is there sufficient leadership in your company?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 06-08-2015

What exactly is leadership? And what type of leader does a company need? Something very different is expected of a leader in the 21st century than in previous centuries.

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What exactly is leadership? And what type of leader does a company need? Leadership is a broad concept, but the fact is that almost 60% of companies have indicated in surveys that there is not enough leadership within the organization. That's quite a shocking percentage! American business coach Rosalinde Torres has conducted research into the qualities that a leader in the 21e century should have.

Three important questions to ask a leader

From a leader in the 21e century, something very different is expected than in previous centuries. The relationship between leader and follower has become much more informal and less hierarchical in Western society. In addition, the advent of the Internet has also fundamentally changed leadership. According to Torres, there are three key questions to ask a leader that will determine whether he/she is a good fit for the 21e century.

1. What do you look to, both professionally and personally, to anticipate change?

Change is all around us. Especially in the digital age, one change alternates with another. Who would have ever thought that WhatsApp would conquer the world so quickly and pose an enormous challenge to the telecom market? For leaders of the 21e century, it is very important to look around the digital world and the mobile world and to interact with people who stand for technological progress. Read about trends and developments. Without up-to-date knowledge of mobile and digital developments, a leader today has no chance!

2. How diverse is your network?

Most leaders and current CEOs are in the well-known 'old boys' raisin networks' and rotary clubs. The age in these groups is often relatively high, and the dynamics are completely different from those of young leaders. Can you build relationships with people who are different? Who are in the startup sector while you are active in a more traditional sector? Who focus entirely on the information society of the 21e century? The diversity of your network is crucial in these times.

3. Can you let success go?

Building on success is very tempting. The banks have done it for years. Money is coming in, so things are going well. There was no need for change. But in today's society, business models that are successful today may be outdated tomorrow. Just look at the music industry and the media sector: they have completely changed within a few years. And what about the retail sector, which is having such a hard time. Are you brave enough to let go of something that has brought you success in the past? Great leaders are looking for change and improvement. They don't just say they are different, they actually do it. They dare to take risks and do not get stuck in old processes/working methods. It is also important that you can handle criticism of your plans. Consider, for example, companies such as Red Bull and Nike, which are transforming from pure product manufacturers into media companies. It is no longer just the companies that produce the can of energy drink or the sports shoe, but companies that stand for a style of life.

what kind of leader are you? Do you do things differently than others? Let us know! Or do you know that you have to change to be ready for the future? Then follow our training Inspirational Leadership for Management and Higher Management.


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