The 5 best communication books of 2017

Kenneth Smit editorial | 08-12-2017

As a communications professional, it is necessary to stay informed of the latest trends. We have listed the most highly rated communication books from and

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As a communications professional, it is necessary to stay informed of the latest trends. The upcoming holidays offer the perfect opportunity for this: the fireplace, a mug of hot chocolate and a good communication book. Also with us blog article about sales books, we have listed the most highly rated communication books from and

Bas Mouton – Magic in all your communication

Forget all presentation techniques, language tricks, communication and... media training that focus on appearances and avoiding risks. The magic in communication – the feeling that a story makes sense, inspires and encourages action – does not lie in attitude, intonation or choice of words. It's about showing yourself, really saying something and daring to include others in it. In this book, Bas Mouton provides all the basic knowledge that a presentation must meet and how you can make a lasting impact with your communication.

magic in your communication - Bas Mouton

Betteke van Ruler – The Strategic Communication Frame

A good strategy is crucial, but its development must be faster and more interactive. No one wants thick reports and time-consuming processes. It's about the essence. The book 'The Strategic Communication Frame' is a practical method that helps you make the right choices. Choices that are important for your organization, customer or project. It does not prescribe what you should do or which strategy is best, you make those choices yourself.

the strategic communication frame-betteke from ruler

Sandra Hertogh, Annemarie van der Wel – Toxic communication

Stabs, sarcastic jokes and accusations: we all use toxic communication. It's best not to do it, because it won't solve any problems and cooperation will only deteriorate. Do you want to collaborate successfully with other people? With this book you will learn to recognize toxic communication from yourself and other people.

toxic communication-Sandra Hertogh, Annemarie van der Wel

Thomas van Manen – Marketing Facts Yearbook 2017/2018

Would you like to clarify all developments in the field of marketing communication? Then read the Marketing Facts yearbook, where attention is paid to all current topics in 11 chapters and 5 topics through various examples and best practices. This year there is extra attention for the modern marketing organization and statistics with analytics. With input from 30 prominent experts, the yearbook is an essential reference work for the marketing communications professional.

Marketing Facts Yearbook 2017-2018 - Thomas van Maanen

Simon Sinek – Together is Better

Simon Sinek, bestselling author of “The New York Times”, talks in this book about all the challenges we face as humans in the modern working world. Whether you have just graduated from university or work at a global multinational, Sinek gives a fresh look at the way we see things in life. “Together is Better” is a beautifully illustrated book and is worth reading for both business and private purposes.

Together is better - Simon Sinek

Are you missing a book that every communications employee should read? Let us know in a comment!

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