The power of repetition!

Kenneth Smit editorial | 09-04-2015

The advertising world has been swearing by it for years, repetition! The more often something is repeated, the greater the chance that it will stick. How can you also apply the power of repetition in sales?

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The advertising world has been swearing by it for years, repetition! The more often something is repeated, the greater the chance that it will stick. Just think about yourself. How did you used to memorize words for English or German? Probably by repeating them dozens of times. Or think of well-known proverbs from the Dutch language. They have been repeated for hundreds of years, and are therefore remembered. This also includes well-known slogans from top brands and people. 'Just do it!' from Nike, for example, or 'Yes we can!' from Obama. Can you also apply the power of repetition in sales?

Irritating but successful

In advertising it is only normal that repetition plays a major role. Commercials are repeated and repeated. You may think that seeing an advertisement so many times in a row has no effect on you, but nothing could be further from the truth. Even if you do not watch the advertisement with full attention, you subconsciously absorb the information and the next time you see the product in the store, you will still recognize it from the advertisement. Even though the advertising is still so annoying! Strong advertising agencies know how to perfectly maintain the balance between success and irritation. Consider, for example, the recent HoyHoy commercials, with sloth Aart in the leading role. Many people find it irritating, but it has now become very successful.

Applicable in sales

Can this proven successful formula from the advertising world also be applied indoors? our sales processes? Of course! During a sales process, as sellers we naturally want to remain continuously under the attention of our lead/customer. Even if the process takes weeks if not months. Repetition is then crucial. After your sales conversation and after delivering your quote, you can use repetition to stay 'top of mind' of your lead. So continue to feed him or her at regular intervals with information, reminders and solutions. Schedule a moment every week to call or email the lead and discuss the status of the project. In this way, you continuously remain subconsciously in the minds of your contacts, which significantly increases the chance of successful completion of the process!

However, the power of repetition is important to you for more reasons sales pitch. Your lead is looking for a party that knows his wishes and can offer the right solution. Once you know what the specific wishes of your lead or customer are, you can continue to repeat them regularly. This makes it clear to the customer that you understand him or her. That removes some uncertainty. This makes it possible for your customer or lead to focus on things that are really important. It also ensures recognisability, involvement and a feeling of trust.

Maintaining the balance

However, just like with advertisements, the balance is something to keep a close eye on. Repetition is good, but it can also work against you. In advertising campaigns, the turning point can often be substantiated numerically, especially in online campaigns. The figures then show when an advertisement starts to decline in effectiveness. This balance is a lot more difficult to find when reminding customers or leads. This requires experience and judgment from you as a sales professional! It is sometimes very difficult to maintain your patience. On Friday you sent your lead a reminder and on Tuesday you still have not received a response...frustrating. However, stick to the rule of thumb to allow at least five working days between your reps. This gives your contact sufficient time to respond and does not come across as too pushy. However, never give up! Not even if you don't get a response for months. Bite into the lead and keep repeating. In the end you will be rewarded. We have experienced dozens of times that structurally repeating contact with leads ultimately leads to a great deal.

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