The worst sales advice ever

Kenneth Smit editorial | 12-05-2017

Everyone, and especially your colleagues, has something to say and the golden tip for attracting that one prospect. But some advice is actually counterproductive and it is sometimes better to ignore it. We list some of this advice and conclude with the worst sales advice you can ever get.

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During your sales career, you will collect a mountain of advice through webinars, seminars, social media, training and colleagues to increase your sales. Everyone, and especially your colleagues, has something to say and the golden tip for attracting that one prospect. But some advice is actually counterproductive and it is sometimes better to ignore it. We list some of this advice and conclude with the worst sales advice you can ever get.

“They do it too” 

“So if you jump into the ditch, you do that too?” This statement may sound familiar and also applies to sales. Not every sales professional or sales process works the same way. Your prospects have completely different problems and success with someone else is not immediately a guarantee for your success. Therefore, look for what makes you as a person and your sales process unique. Experiment, read and innovate!

“Always sell a YES”

Don't make promises that you or your company cannot keep. If during a sales conversation you are not sure whether you can deliver, please indicate that you will come back to this. The last thing you want is to damage your company's image because you promised something that you cannot deliver at all.

“Always keep eye contact”

The creating a personal relationship with your prospects is very important for trust. During the first appointment, eye contact plays a major role, but is also a major pitfall. Too much eye contact can lead to an aggressive atmosphere, with both parties wanting to show through eye contact who is the weaker of the two. Therefore, avoid the conversation becoming a competition. Sometimes break eye contact to make yourself appear less intimidating.

“Always keep talking” 

“Always keep talking so the prospect doesn't have time to hang up.” Absolutely not. The best sales professionals involve the prospect by asking relevant questions. This way the prospect feels heard and you can then provide an answer with your expertise.

“The customer is always right”

Of course you want your prospect to feel taken seriously, but this does not have to mean that you always nod yes and agree with the prospect. You are the one with the expertise, so don't be afraid to correct and advise a prospect in a courteous manner. As Henry Ford explained in his famous quote: 'If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.'

The worst: “The product sells itself”.

If this had been true, there would certainly be no sales professionals. Even if you have the best product on the market, it is still up to you to create a need. Due to the complex changes in the purchasing process, such as the smartphone and the online world, you as a sales professional are the one who can provide direction and can convince the prospect that she is making the right decision.

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