What kind of sales manager do you really not want to become?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 24-01-2020

Being a sales manager is a wonderful profession and a great honor. You don't just become a sales manager. For starters, it requires years of experience. But experience alone won't get you there. It also requires strong leadership skills. This is not always easy for managers who have previously been salespeople themselves. The passion for the profession entails a number of pitfalls. Letting go of the practice and 'thrill' of closing a deal is tough. Sales expert, author and speaker Anthony Iannarino discusses a number of pitfalls and characterizes a number of sales management types that you especially do not want to emulate.

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Being a sales manager is a wonderful profession and a great honor. You don't just become a sales manager. For starters, it requires years of experience. But experience alone won't get you there. It also requires strong leadership skills. This is not always easy for managers who have previously been salespeople themselves. The passion for the profession entails a number of pitfalls. Letting go of the practice and 'thrill' of closing a deal is tough. Sales expert, author and speaker Anthony Iannarino discusses a number of pitfalls and characterizes a number of sales management types that you especially do not want to emulate.

The 'Deal Manager'

The type of sales manager who has full focus on closing deals. As a salesperson you have gained a lot of experience in concluding agreements with your prospects. So it makes sense that closing deals is what your focus is. But a good salesperson is not a good manager. When you act like one Deal Manager, your people cannot come to you sufficiently for coaching, personal development and professional development. And those are really the most important indicators for your success as a manager.

The 'Puzzler'

De Puzzler is the type of manager who is mainly concerned with his or her own position within the company. The 'Yes man' type in relation to upper management and the board. Employees who work under a Puzzler often feel that the manager does not sufficiently represent their interests. He or she does not fight for the team, but for the wishes of the management. This can cause a seriously disturbed relationship between the manager and the team.

The 'Desk Jockey'

Where the type Deal Manager has difficulty letting go of the past and focuses too much on closing deals instead of managing a team, the Desk Jockey actually distanced itself too much from practice. This type of sales manager is mainly found behind the desk and busy with planning and budgets, but hardly visits customers anymore. A lurking danger is an ever-widening gap between managers and salespeople. It is difficult to inspire and lead a team without up-to-date practical experience.

The 'Super Closer'

Consciously or not, the Super Closer is the type of sales manager who always maneuvers himself into the deal. The manager who thinks he is still needed to actually close the deals. Logically, this (rightly) insinuates a lack of trust in your team. Dare to send your sales team on the road and let go.

The legend'

The perfect example of an experienced and successful salesperson who has progressed to the position of sales manager. Sharing your own experience is of course a very important quality of a good sales manager, but it is important to realize that every salesperson has their own unique style. What works for you doesn't necessarily work for your entire team. Share your experience, but let your salespeople develop their own sales DNA.

What requirements should a sales manager meet in your opinion? What are indispensable qualities to forge a successful team? And what should you especially not do? Share it with us and inspire your industry peers!

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