Edwin Webster

Edwin Webster

Who is..?


As a little boy I grew up in a family of growers. That was hard work and I saw entrepreneurship up close. Both my grandfather and father were breeders. That's how it became my dream to become a grower and take over my father's company. Due to health problems, my father had to sell his nursery and my dream fell apart.

My inspiration

my colleagues, customers, family, my wife and sons. Furthermore, I am inspired by people who can still act with love from negativity to bring peace, such as Shimon Peres.

Favorite place to be

On the couch with my wife and children.

Hobby outside of work

crossfit and kickboxing.

“As a little boy I grew up in a family of growers. That was hard work and I saw entrepreneurship up close. Both my grandfather and father were breeders. That's how it became my dream to become a grower and take over my father's company. Due to health problems, my father had to sell his nursery and my dream fell apart. Although my father said at the time that this was not for me, I left school at the age of 18 to work as a laborer in a neighbor's nursery. After years of working as an employee, I came to the conclusion that working as a grower and working under a boss is not for me. I went to study, MBA, Nima A and started working as an interim manager. But as an interim manager you always arrive 'too late', you always have to intervene. I started creating programs myself to fulfill my role as a manager and develop people. I realized that I was reinventing the wheel and developing good programs would take years. Then I met Kenneth Smit and they held up a mirror to me. It was clear, friendly, but also tough and confrontational. But the way they gave me insight into myself appealed to me. That's how I discovered that I wanted to become an entrepreneur at Kenneth Smit, so I could continue doing what I've always done; entrepreneurship, management, “selling” and training. But then in a setting to help people/companies and really add something and then you are on time!

In addition to my working life, I am happily married to my wife Yvonne and I have two enterprising sons aged 19 and 21. Because I think it is important to stay fit, I train 3 times a week with a personal trainer. I love being physically challenged and starting my day with a good workout. That's why I go to the gym twice a week at 2 o'clock in the morning and crossfit with my sons on Saturday mornings. My drive in life: to be happy. If you don't grow, you stand still. Growing makes me happy and that is exactly why this work suits me so well!”

My move to Kenneth Smit began…

“…in September 2009. I was not happy as an interim manager, I was often dominant in my role and did not always achieve what I wanted to achieve. Knowing what I know now, I know that I should have done things differently back then. Kenneth Smit's contact and approach appealed to me, she immediately challenged me and dared to confront me. I learned a lot in the first few years, every day anyway, but at the start I had to reinvent myself. I learned that the way you become successful doesn't make you stay successful. I had to unlearn behavior to become and remain successful again. I was a strong salesperson, but I always spent a lot of time sending and inspiring people. With Kenneth Smit I learned to first put the needs of the other person first and to gain insight into the profile of the other person. The Socrates method that underlies this, or the art of asking questions, is the basis for bringing insight to others. It took me two years to apply this properly and I can honestly say that it has changed my life positively. I am eternally grateful to Kenneth Smit for that.”

My average work week

“I always say I never work, I do fantastic things. I train, coach and have wonderful conversations with people. As an entrepreneur, I set my own agenda. So first I plan my free time, exercising and the time I want to keep free for my family.

I spend most of my time training, an average of 150 days of training and coaching per year. I have many regular customers, but I continue to explore new channels. Sales still gives me energy! Making a difference drives me and it gives me a kick when I succeed and when I can add value to my customers. My focus is on companies focused on (sustainable) energy, water, food and well-being. To help customers as best as possible, I regularly work with fellow entrepreneurs from Kenneth Smit. This way I can use the expertise of colleagues and achieve the best results together. My expertise lies mainly in business improvement, guiding directors and management. I have many conversations with managers and help determine the right routes and strategic choices. I also use tools from Kenneth Smit, such as Insights Discovery, which is an incredibly good tool. People sometimes think that our techniques are a trick, but that is not the case. If you master and train a “trick”, they become skills! After all, no one walks or talks the same, no day is the same, customers and people are unique and so is my approach.”

What Kenneth Smit brings me

  • Freedom and independence, because as an entrepreneur I set my own agenda and can make my own choices.
  • Insight. First, insight into myself and then insight into the other. I still learn about myself and from others every day.
  • Valuation. This work gives me a lot of satisfaction and appreciation from customers and colleagues.

My most beautiful Kenneth Smit moment

“I experience so many beautiful moments. What I enjoy is when people come up with all kinds of objections in training and I can turn the objections around and help people gain insight by using techniques.”

When are you a real Kenneth Smitter?

“Characteristics that are necessary: ​​self-starter, results-oriented, thinking in solutions, capable of self-reflection, enthusiastic, enterprising and finally: wanting to share.”

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