Willem Amels

Willem Amels

Who is..?

Entrepreneur Kenneth Smit Since 2004

I'm an entrepreneur, have been most of my life and I'm still full of energy. I'm not even thinking about quitting work! I am currently studying Cultural Sciences, towards Philosophy at the open university, because I have never stopped learning. I believed it at first in high school, but from the age of 20 onwards I actually continued to study.

My inspiration

I don't have a specific idol or source of inspiration. At Christmas I received the book The Promised Land by Barack Obama, a book about his life, incredibly interesting and I get inspiration from that.

Favorite place to be

various: our garden – the golf course in Spain. But in my training room with a group of enthusiastic and eager to learn participants, I am absolutely in my element.

Hobby outside of work

Golf (and as fanatical as anything)

“I'm an entrepreneur, have been most of my life and I'm still full of energy. I'm not even thinking about quitting work! I am currently studying Cultural Sciences, towards Philosophy at the open university, because I have never stopped learning. I believed it at first in high school, but from the age of 20 onwards I actually continued to study. I just like that way too much. In addition to studying, I worked hard at various companies of my own. I originally come from the real estate and financial world, where I built a company with ultimately 40 employees and various offices within the region. I sold that company in 2000 and then took a year's sabbatical and studied business administration. After this year I worked for several years as interim director and in 2004 I took the step to become an entrepreneur of Kenneth Smit. I have continued to study over the past 17 years. I studied psychology and executive coaching (at the VU) for a number of years and became an Insights Discovery practitioner.

In addition to my life as an entrepreneur of Kenneth Smit, I am happily married, father of 3 children and grandfather of 4 grandchildren. I stay fit by cycling on my exercise bike or going to the gym. I am regularly on the golf course and that certainly does not stop me from providing others with tips without obligation. I take that urge with me everywhere. I regularly recharge in Spain, where I work in the sun, prepare my work here in the Netherlands and can get back to it with my groups when I return.”

Why Kenneth Smit?

“Earlier in my career I received training from Kenneth Smit. Then I already knew; 'I would like to do that later too'. I am eager to learn and developing and bringing people along has always been my passion. In 2004 I was ready and I contacted Kenneth Smit. It was clear to me since that one training: I want to join this brand. After a number of pleasant conversations, I started and received a complete internal training program lasting several years. Beforehand, I did not expect that I would learn so much from Kenneth Smit. With Kenneth Smit at my back I became successful, something I could never have achieved as a single player. I am now part of the 'elders' group within Kenneth Smit and I have also been able to support other Kenneth Smitters in their development. How beautiful is that!?”

My average work week

“In the beginning I had to work hard to build my own business, which meant working a lot of hours. I now work for a great group of clients, some of whom I have been working with for 15 years. I am proud of that, because it says something about how successful our approach is. I work a lot in the technology sector, people who understand “a technology” and have to sell it in a pleasant way. The range that I train and coach is: sales professionals, managers, directors and service employees. Over the year, I train on average 1 to 2 days per week, and I often do a number of coaching sessions per month. My training courses are focused on commerce in the broadest sense of the word, communication and management. Of course, the training courses are always tailor-made, focused on the group and organization. In addition to the training and coaching, I am of course also busy with my own business, making quotes, email, telephone and acquisition.”

What Kenneth Smit brings me

“Kenneth Smit never stands still, we are always moving. My personal passion for development fits in well with Kenneth Smit, so it is a kind of shared passion. Kenneth Smit has given me a lot of knowledge and wonderful tools that I can use in my work. In addition, it is nice to be part of a club of entrepreneurs, in which you also work with others from time to time. “

My most beautiful Kenneth Smit moment

“There have been several, but there is one moment that stands out. It must have been about 1 years ago. It was at a large technical company and I trained a group of branch managers between the ages of 10 and 30. At the start of the training, the 63-year-old participant said: 'I am here today, but I am retiring in two years and am wondering the usefulness and necessity of this training.' But he stayed and I saw him become more and more involved. The evaluation followed four training days. He said: 'Willem, I absolutely loved it and wish I had met you 63 years ago.' Beautiful right?"

When are you a real Kenneth Smitter?

“If you want to become an entrepreneur at Kenneth Smit, a number of things are important. First of all, you must be an entrepreneur with an unprecedented drive. Secondly, you must have had your feet in the clay yourself. Only in this way can you connect well with your own practical examples and put yourself in the shoes of the customer and participants. Finally, empathy, being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes and putting others first. It is not about how you can present yourself as a trainer, but how you can help others.”

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