4 Tips for participating in a trade fair

Kenneth Smit editorial | 01-05-2014

Will you be attending a trade fair soon? In this blog we give 4 tips on how to make this trade fair participation a success.

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Nowadays we mainly talk about new (online) ways to market our organization and conduct sales. Online conversion is high on many sales managers' 'to do list'. Crucial, that's for sure, but in all our haste, aren't we ignoring other marketing and sales channels that we simply haven't gotten the most out of yet? I think so. Trade fair participation is a striking example of this. 'Exhibition participation' has almost become a dirty word among marketers, which is a shame. In fact, also unjustified! It is a fact that many companies are tired of trade fairs because they 'don't deliver anything'. However, this has more to do with the level at which most organizations deal with an exchange today, and the little confidence they have in it, than with the mechanism itself. In this blog we give 4 tips.

1. Look beyond the moment

During a trade fair you want to make the most of the moment. Of course, that's important. But do not ignore the fact that participating in a trade fair can mean much more for your organization, over a much longer period than just that one day. The fact that your company is at an industry-related fair says something about your company. It shows those around you that you are a professional party that should be taken into account. Surely you want to make the most of that appearance? So make sure you take advantage of your participation in the months leading up to the fair. Invest in that too, both with financial resources and with hours. Because if you let it depend solely on the trade fair moment itself, you will certainly not get the most out of it. For example, those online ways to market your organization that this article started with can play a major role in this. Recruit an interested audience through online marketing through an interesting campaign during the weeks/months prior to the fair, and then have them physically meet on the fair floor.

2. Make a list of the people you want to speak to

You often speak to a large number of people at a trade fair. It often happens that we miss interesting leads that pass by our stand, because we are talking to someone else and don't want to be rude to that person. It's about time to be a little more rude every now and then! Having minutes-long conversations with someone at a trade fair, where you know quite quickly that no business or other benefit will result from it... does it sound familiar? We've all experienced it before. Dare to cut off these conversations by making it clear to your conversation partner that there are people waiting and asking him/her for a card so that you can continue the discussion later. It sell at fairs does not happen immediately, deals are usually not closed immediately on the trading floor. So try to keep your conversations short and sweet, and choose to follow up at the right time at the right time. During the exhibition day, decide carefully which people you want to speak to and make sure you don't miss any leads.

3. Be creative

Depending on its size, a trade fair usually has several exhibitors and sometimes even competitors. Most companies behave like real one-size-fits-alls at a trade fair. A bar, ice cream cart, WiFi spot, quiet reading spot, peppermint, pen, etc., they are the order of the day. Only very sporadically there are exhibitors with a truly creative approach. Be different! Make sure you don't follow what everyone else is already doing and start preparing a concept for your trade fair participation in a timely manner. Stop thinking that all the focus during the fair should be on your own stand. You are then dependent on the walking lines and your place on the exhibition floor. Your presence at the entire fair is what remains and stands out.

4. Believe in the added value

All preparation and activities before, during and after the trade fair can ensure that your trade fair participation forms a real red line through your marketing strategy. But by far the most important question is and remains: do you believe in it? Do you and your employees really believe in the possible added value of participating in a trade fair? Too often at a trade fair you see exhibitors who just sit in their stand with a long face, and hardly give the idea that they want to make something of it. No matter how great a stand and concept you have, it stands out because of the people who are there. So only participate in a trade fair if you really believe in the added value, and make sure that your colleagues are also selected for this.

Selling training at trade fairs

Are you convinced of the added value that participation in a trade fair can bring to your organization and do you want to be optimally prepared together with your colleagues? The training to sell at trade fairs discusses, among other things, approach techniques, conversation techniques and closing techniques that you can use during your trade fair participation.

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