6 Tips to maintain that wonderful holiday feeling

Kenneth Smit editorial | 27-07-2018

You have fully recharged yourself to get back to work. Do you want to hold on to that nice, free holiday feeling for a while after your holiday? Then read on! In this blog we give you tips so that you also have that nice holiday feeling in the workplace.

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Holiday mode on: a cocktail in your hand, lying between the palm trees in a hammock in the Maldives. Chill out on a pearly white beach with clear blue water, idyllic huts and tropical temperatures.

You have fully recharged yourself to go back to work. Huh work, do you almost have to go to the office again? You look up from your daydreaming in shock and think for a moment about work and all the tasks that await you. Your colleagues can't live without you and secretly (just a little bit) you also feel like going back to work. During your holiday you came up with brilliant ideas that you would like to implement. Do you want to hold on to that nice, free holiday feeling for a while after your holiday? Then read on! In this blog we give you tips so that you also have that nice holiday feeling in the workplace.

1.Take the time to clear your emails

Now that you're back at work, it's important that you take the time to get rid of your emails. Don't underestimate the amount of time it takes to get another empty inbox. Make sure you aren't interrupted (or at least as little as possible) and focus on getting rid of the emails. Process your emails one by one and set clear priorities. Answer the most important emails first and the least important ones later.

The same goes for other important tasks as well. Schedule enough time to complete these tasks. Don't underestimate this and don't be distracted by all kinds of ad-hoc work. What helps is to set your back-to-office date a few days later. This way you create peace and space to set priorities and you can keep an overview

2. Don't do everything at once

On holiday, the chill mode comes on and you do everything one by one. Do this at work too, work on one task at a time. And at the start of your working day, write down 3 tasks that you are going to do. Don't make a lengthy to-do list. By focusing on a few tasks, you will have less stress. This way you can hold on to that wonderful holiday feeling for a while.

3. Adopt a holiday habit or take holiday photos with you

The fact that we relax on holiday is not just because we don't have to work. It is also because we do more things that relax us. Adopt a holiday habit at work or take your holiday memories with you. And no, we don't mean that you drink special beer at work or that you bring a beach towel. Couldn't get enough of Pad Thai or drinking from a coconut on holiday? Take this with you for lunch or a snack so that you can think back on your holiday during lunchtime. Or take your holiday photos with you. Choose your favorite holiday photos and place them (subtly) on your desk. This way, while you're at work, you can daydream about that summer walk on the beach or those picturesque villages with divine restaurants.

4.Use holiday scents

Did you know that smells are stored in our brains? Smelling a holiday scent again is linked to a holiday memory. In the morning, before you go to work, put on the perfume you always wore on vacation. Or use the same soap as in the hotel. And how about applying sunscreen and after sun? These scents evoke a wonderful holiday feeling!

5. Exercise as much as possible on a working day

On holiday you are not indoors all day. You breathe in fresh air and because you are outside, you feel relaxed. However, when we get back from vacation, we sit at our desk on an office chair all day. We sit still all day and hardly move. Exercise stimulates the muscles and blood circulation. Your body will then receive more oxygen and you will immediately feel fitter. So try to exercise as much as possible on a working day. For example, get coffee for you and your colleagues and walk to the printer a few times. And how about walking during your lunch break? It is now lovely summer weather, so enjoy it even more by going for a walk.

6. Make a holiday playlist

Are you enjoying a cocktail and hear a nice song? Add this to your playlist. When you get back to work, play this holiday playlist and immediately think back to your holiday. Think back with a smile on that sensational salsa evening or that wonderful boat trip. Swing along to the songs you enjoyed listening to during your holiday. A perfect way to maintain chill mode!


With the above tips you will succeed in maintaining that holiday feeling. Because it would be a shame if those Italian villages faded into the background within a week. You have to work, but you need a holiday just as much! So enjoy your holiday extra long, you've earned it!

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