Time is money: become more productive with 5 top apps

Kenneth Smit editorial | 06-12-2019

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As a sales professional, a lot can come your way. You hop from meeting to meeting, switch from call to call and quickly type the quote for a new customer. At least, as soon as your colleagues give you a moment of rest and you can resist the temptation to sit back with a cup of coffee. Do you want to get through your busy days as productively as possible? Then make some time to download these apps first!

1 Todoist

A productive working day depends on an overview. Once you have listed all your tasks for the day, you can complete them one by one and create space and peace in your head. This is where Todoist comes to your rescue.

With this handy task manager you can quickly create clear to-do lists. Set deadlines, easily organize and prioritize all your tasks and share the workload with your colleagues. This way you not only get more done in a shorter time, but you often also deliver better quality. It is not without reason that the Todoist app awards 'karma points' as soon as you successfully complete your tasks!

Available for: iOS | Android | Desktop

2. Focus@Will

No matter how structured your daily routine looks, completing your to-do list is impossible without the right focus. The neuroscientists at Focus@Will have come up with a musical solution for this.

In this special app you will find the perfect background music to stay focused, tailored to the type of work you do and the brain waves that play a role in it. A clever example of thinking to optimize your concentration and learning capacity.

Available for: iOS | Android | Desktop

3. Trello

Good cooperation is essential to keep the momentum in your sales projects. Whether colleagues or clients, it is important that everyone stays up-to-date on the projects they are involved in. With Trello you can share all your projects in a clear and flexible way.

Project details like comments, attachments, and due dates are easy to find on Trello's intuitive boards, lists, and cards. You have an overview of all important information at a glance. You can also easily integrate commonly used apps such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Slack.

Available for: iOS | Android | Desktop


If you are well focused while working, there is a danger that you will quickly lose sight of one of the most important things: time. But not with Toggl.

This time tracker gives you insight into the amount of time you spend on all your daily tasks. With handy reminders, the app ensures that you don't forget to start the timer. It is also possible to enter times manually. With the help of clear reports, you can determine exactly where there is room for more efficiency in your daily routine.

Available for: iOS | Android | Desktop

5. Pocket

Although you spend a large part of your time offline, the online world is also indispensable in the sales profession. Whether you are looking for potential customers, new trends and insights, or want to stay up to date with the latest news: the internet is your best friend.

It is important to separate main issues from side issues, stay focused on the purpose of your search and have the results in good order. With Pocket you can quickly save articles, videos and stories in your own environment. This is possible from any publication, page or app. This way you create your personal treasure chest with all the information you need to be well equipped as a sales professional.

Available for: iOS | Android | Desktop

Of course, effective time management is only one part of your skill set as a good salesperson. There are many other ways to ensure that you can excel in the sales profession. Curious which ones they are? Then take a look at our offer sales training.

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